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Dance | Music | Scholarship | Arts
31 March - 2 April, 2023
Festival Curated by Dr. Ananda Shankar Jayant
Talks Curated by Dr. Anupama Kylash
Rama Rasa
Choodamani Pradhanam
Dance Drama
40 member group with live orchestra, bringing alive the Kishkinda Kandam of Valmiki Ramayanam
Anupama Hoskere and Dhaatu Puppet Theater
Ramayana Saptaswara
Puppetry Show
Shankarananda Kalakshetra Ensemble
Bhavayami Raghuramam
Bharatanatyam Performance
Vishaka Hari
Navarasa Ramayanam
J Sai Deepak
Rajadharma, Lessons from the Ramayana
Abhilash Venkitachalam & Sai Vignesh
Taraka Naama
Musical Evening
Talks on Ramayana's varied facets by Illustrated speakers - curated by Dr. Anupama Kylash
Ami Ganatra
Sankalp, Paap and Prayaschitta: perspectives from Valmiki Ramayana
Hemant Pandey
Hanumat Darshan from Valmiki Ramayana
Sudha Seshaiyyan
Kambaramayanam - A treasure for all times
Nagaraj Paturi
Ramayana - A Living People's tradition
Vinay Varanasi
Sita-MahaTripurasundari: Sita from a Shakta perspective
Gauri Mahulikar
Ramayana - Women composers and perpsectives
Surajit Dasgupta
Ramayana : Krittibas onwards
Ramaa Bharadvaj
Ramayana - Beyond the Desi Land
Kala - Charan: Learn a few of the kalas from the Natya Shastra
Chitra Kaushalya
by Hema Kannan
Drawing Auspiciousness - Kolam workshop
Mala Grathana
by Rahul Teddy
Making Garlands for the Gods
Sutra Putula
by Anupama Hoskere
Pulling Strings - Learn to manipulate puppets
Special features
Exclusive features of Ramayana Kalpavrksam
Manas Paat
by Pandit Dilkash Bharti Sadanand Vishwakarma and Party
Traditional recitation & singing
Rama Ayana
led by TK Saroja and TK Sujatha
A public walk with Nagara Sankeertana
Pancharatna Kritis
by Sweta Prasad and group
Group rendition
Sanskriti Sangathana
A brand showcase
Short presentations by brands in the culture space
Artisan Corner
Throughout the festival
Shop cool merchandise from local artisans
Full Festival Schedule
Time & Place
Opp. CII, Near Google Office, Madhapur, Hyderabad
31 March - 2 April 2023
Meet the Curators
Ananda Shankar Jayant
Festival Curator
Dr Ananda Shankar Jayant, is celebrated as one of India’s leading classical dancers, choreographers and dance scholars.
With an acclaimed and intense body of work that spans rich mythologies, historical chronicles, searing commentaries on topical issues, philosophical enquiry, poetry, story telling, and humour, Ananda, constantly stretches the boundaries of artistic endeavour, using the grammar and idiom of the classical dance format, making her presentations at once contemporary and evocative.Engaging in every aspect of dance, Ananda, is a prolific solo and ensemble performer, a much loved teacher and Guru, a critically acclaimed and brilliant choreographer, and is a sought after motivational and leadership speaker and writer.
Endowed with a natural flair for team playing and organisational acumen for collaborative work, Ananda has presented some of India’s signature festivals and conferences.
A TED speaker in 2009, Ananda actively lectures on breast cancer support and advocacy issues, having successfully battled the illness herself.
Anupama Kylash
Curator of Ramamrta, The Conference track
The Ramayana is not only an Itihasa. It is the 'sutra', or thread, that binds the cultural, spiritual and philosophical ethos of the entire Indian Subcontinent, in one common essence, that is 'Dharma', a word, unique to us, as an ancient civilization.
It gives me great pleasure to curate 'Rāmāmrta', the Conference segment of 'Ramayana Kalpavrksham ', which will focus on exploring every facet of the Ramayana, the original, retellings, analysis and interpretations by seasoned academics and experts, young, brilliant scholars and ardent devotees of Sri Rama!
Presented by
Shankarananda Kalakshetra
In collaboration with
© 2025